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Remember when you were a kid, and you couldn’t wait for summer to come because the new Razorfrog websites were being launched? You’d make a gallon of electric blue country time kool-aid lemonade on your first day off from school and click through the websites between gulps. Good times!

Well you don’t have to be nostalgic any longer, because Razorfrog is bringing back the Razorfrog Summertime Fun Launch Experience! Put on your sunglasses, slap on some SPF 50, and tenderly rub zinc on your nose, because this recent crop of webpages is skin-damagingly fantastic to look at.

Since you’re particularly prepared, start your summertime trip around the web over at Sunny Surf, a website we made to showcase an incredible private Maui escape. It’s almost enough to just put on soothing sea sounds and click through their photo gallery and floor plans – but not quite. Bayside Development’s website is also a sight to behold – a trip to their page is as good as a water balloon fight. With 145 years of experience, they needed an updated, modern way to display their portfolios, and we made sure that that portfolio would look enchanting on any device.

San Francisco’s First Congregational Church, one of our earliest clients, wanted to better celebrate their faith and congregants by providing a seamless online experience, and we were happy to oblige. Their makeover doesn’t just look better, it loads faster, meaning folks who want to explore the church can do so with ease and grace. Echo Furniture, another stalwart client, tapped us to give their website a refresher. The new framework we made makes online shopping so easy, you can browse for a couch while you’re in line for a fancy coffee. It’s actually addicting – we now have 17 couches on order.

We went back to our radio roots to bring the Radio of Clark University website a new design framework. Longtime fans of Razorfrog (throw your hands in the air!) will know that one of our first major gigs was taking over the website at UC Santa Cruz’s KZSC – so we had quite the arsenal at our fingertips to make sure that anyone landing on their page will leave rocked out and informed. And we took informing people about cool stuff to a new level with Antonio Garcia Martinez’ author website. Since his writing often turns to skewering the world wide web, we had to make sure we could dodge any well-penned critiques. His website is as well constructed as the grammar in the Strunk and White manual.

And that’s the tour. See something you like in the design or construction of any of these? Ask for it! We’re here for you, even if it looks like we are reading a fantasy novel in the middle of a pool on an inflatable chaise lounge. Have a great summer! Keep in touch! Never change!

Antonio Garcia Martinez site viewed on an Android HTC One

Antonio García Martí­nez

Christopher is a seasoned publishing professional who is passionate about helping folks put great books together, with years of experience managing clients, developing and editing pitches, proposals, and manuscripts across genres. He has edited and placed multiple New York Times and National Bestsellers.

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