Founded in 1985, San Francisco-based PGH Wong Engineering is a full service engineering and architecture consulting firm for public and private entities in the United States. PGH’s management hired Razorfrog to develop and design an entirely new framework and web presence for presenting their large, complex infrastructure services and projects portfolio in an expandable, responsive format.
The new PGH Wong Engineering site features a custom post type for projects allowing for easy updates by in-house staff. The firm’s inspiring history is presented in a timeline to depict its transformation from a one man entity to a large firm delivering on multi-billion dollar solutions. Expertise and services pages utilize grid displays with attractive visuals to depict information in a concise manner.
PGH Wong Engineering is a great example of a large engineering and architecture firm requiring additional web development muscle to power its moving parts under the hood. It’s simple and attractive design facilitates trust for its high profile clientele and shareholders.