It’s brag time. We’ve been quiet for a while, but now we are show-ready, and if you give us just a few moments of your precious time, we can explain to you why we we’re so proud…
Change is good. It’s nice to have a couple quarters in your pocket; you never know when you’ll come across a pinball machine with a pathetic high score. The other kind of change – growth, evolution, revitalization – we believe in that too. Innovation keeps our business interesting, constantly challenging us to learn new tools, keep up with design trends. So we decided to do something pretty revolutionary: we redesigned our website.
As long as we are brag-blogging… blraging? Click around. Feel that? The site should be blazingly fast. To put it another way: We shortened our website load times. You’re a busy person, measuring your minutes in quarters of a second, we know. What kind of magic makes this possible? A new partnership with WPEngine allows them to take care of the very technical hosting details and us to focus on what we do best.
Here’s another boast – we look great in anything. If you’re looking at our website on a smartphone or a tablet or a smartwatch or your fridge’s display, we’re always screen-shot ready. Responsive design is the future, because screens are ubiquitous. I mean, you’re reading this on your fridge for goodness’ sake.
As long as you’re clicking around, check out our portfolio. Originally we hired Vanna White to point to our beautiful websites, but she turned out to be expensive and difficult to fit into the interweb tubes, so we had to sort our great clients ourselves. That means if you’re a pinball enthusiast, you can click through all the gaming websites and see features that, maybe, you’d like on your site. This goes for all the non-pinball enthusiasts too. All you have to do is ask. We’re only a phone call, email, tweet, or facebook post away.
The final thing to gawk at is the grand opening of the Razorfrog store. Finally, you can buy a mug with a frog on it, along with other items that are cool and very desirable and great Christmas, Hannukah, and/or Halloween gifts. We used WooCommerce and Stripe just to show folks how easy it is to open and run a fully functional eCommerce site.
Next time you’re bobbing for apples at a spooky Halloween party, show everyone our amazing site. They’ll be like, “Oh, did you get your site made by them?” And you’ll say, “No, not yet.” And then they will say, “Well what are you waiting for?”
We have the same question – what are you waiting for? We like making you happy, and we hope to continue to innovate smiles onto your face for a very long time.