Located in San Francisco and serving the SF Peninsula region, the Genteel Plumbers are San Francisco’s trusted professional green plumbers. The owner takes pride in providing friendly and reliable 24/7 five star customer service to Bay Area HOA’s and property managers, restaurants and residential communities.
Genteel came to us in need of a brand refresh and responsive website design that would help them to stand out from their competitors. Our design team executed an extensive branding overhaul which included the designs for their service vehicles. A more refined and bold logotype design and fresh palette of mint greens and velvet curtain reds were carefully assembled and crafted to match their polite demeanor, attentive care and legendary reputation with their clientele. With clear site hierarchy, elegant type and modern icons, GENTEEL’s website is primed and ready for growth.
(This site redesign has changed since its initial launch, but we’re proud of our work together and have kept this portfolio entry available)