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Request administrative-level access for your WordPress website.

Please review the following terms of this agreement and fill out the form below.

Full administrator accounts are capable of accessing many site-breaking settings that can be difficult to trace and resolve. Razorfrog is not to be held responsible nor liable for fixing problems made by other administrators and will charge our normal hourly rate to do so.

Administrator account passwords should be complex and unique from other websites / software. We recommend using a password manager, such as 1Password, and two factor authentication (2FA).

Administrator accounts are capable of creating new user accounts, including additional Admin accounts. Creating any new Admin users will first be discussed with Razorfrog.

Administrator accounts are capable of installing new plugins. Any new plugins should first be discussed with Razorfrog prior to installation. Plugins can easily break the entire site if not properly tested in a staging environment.

Administrator accounts are capable of changing and editing themes. Theme changes should not be made without Razorfrog’s involvement.

Administrator accounts are capable of accessing and editing CSS, PHP, and plugin code directly. At no time should direct code edits be made to themes, child themes, or plugins without consulting Razorfrog.

At no time should Razorfrog’s custom plugin Razorfrog Core be deleted while the site is hosted and maintained by Razorfrog.

At no time should Razorfrog’s admin user account be deleted while the site is hosted and maintained by Razorfrog.

Please note, if Admin privileges are being requested to migrate the site elsewhere, we will first need to remove all paid plugin licenses and our internal client management plugin.

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